Monday, February 28, 2011

The Oscars, Photography, and Climbing

So at this point ive sort of realize, i probably shouldnt go a week in between posts because of the amount of things that tend to go on in that amount of time.  Every day since my last post ive thought of something and been like oh! ill put that in my blog, and then id end up getting swamped or be worn out by the time i got home and just put it off.  Anyway lesson learned.

 I dont know if anyone caught the oscars last night, but i did and im inspired to say the least.  Seeing someone else standing exactly where you want to be is definitely a huge motivator, but at the same time its like man, some of these people are so much younger than me.  That parts discouraging.  A bunch of cool stuff from last year though, theres still a few huge films that were winners last night that ive yet to see, and i suppose i should get on that asap.  I should get on a lot of things asap actually.  Ive been reading a lot on the meisner method of acting.  That man was a genius.  Anyone who hasnt read "sanford Meisner on acting" and is trying to do anything in acting, whether its theater film tv whatever, is doing themselves a huge injustice until they've read it.  It will definitely make you think about things in a different way, and it just makes sense.  The acting agency im with is actually about to start picking up new talent, which also means they are going to be dropping old talent.  So while ive only been with them for a short time, i havent really booked anything just yet, so i hope they give me some time.  Lots to worry about, and none of it i can have an impact on just yet.  In other acting news, im still rehearsing for a film shooting this summer called "The Iron Princess"  its gonna be pretty amazing if it turns out well, and im really pumped to at least be working on something again.  I hate sitting around and being stagnate.

As im sitting here writing this, multiple parts of my body are hurting haha.  Dana, my brother, and I went to a place in north arkansas called Haw Creek to go climbing.  What started out as a rainy lame day ended up being an awesome time.  We got there an all of the rocks were soaked.  and not like oh they are a little damp.  I mean SOAKED.  Putting your hands in a puddle 50 feet off the ground is not a good feeling, so things started a little rough.  We climbed a few cool routes and then ended up hiking to this big waterfall and repelling beside it.  It was amazing.  I took some photos throughout the day that ill post below.  Overall though the trip was awesome.  I think i had more fun than the other two, but i just enjoyed being out and about and separated from my normal brain for a minute.  I can never stop thinking about things i need to do, or things that im slacking on, or places i should be by now and it drives me insane.  It seems like the only place that i dont worry about any of that is when im outside crushing.  haha well not exactly crushing. Outside anyways, im a big chicken.  I crush at the gym, I chicken out a lot outside but im working on it.

At some point in the day the pointed end of a rock fell and hit me right in the ankle.  My ankle literally in less than 5 seconds looks like it swallowed a golf ball.  It didnt really hurt so im thinking, "holy crap! did i just chip something but cant feel it" but my brother was like "you idiot its just a busted blood vessel"  Well excuuuuuse me.  Im one of those guys thats like "look at my scar" (you know the ones im talking about) so i was fairly excited to have a huge lump and no pain.  haha.  It was a fun day

Hope everyone has a good day!  And feel free to comment or ask any questions you might have.

*ps- this entry totally has a.d.d.

Monday, February 21, 2011

First post

Yo!! this is my first blog post of alllll time!! well actually not really, there was a few weeks when i was still on the road that i was posting a digital diary on myspace, but the band decided that since what i was posting was kind of personal in nature about ALL of us, that they asked me to hold off.  WELL! im not longer touring and im no longer with the band, so that means NO HOLDS BARRED UGLY TRUTH baby.  My brain literally goes 90 to nothing every day, all day, so i figure this would be a great way to get some thoughts out, as well as post acting updates, photography updates, amongst other things. 

So. Me in a nutshell-  Im sort of a jack of all trades.  Ive done ALOT and i mean a lot, and my ambition isnt letting up either.  i did competitive gymnastics for 10 years, that was  huge part of my life.  I was in a signed touring band for 3 and half years.  ive been literally all over the country.  ive met a TON of amazing people, and a lot of mean people.  Ive been acting now for 2 years, (wow its been that long)  nothing major just yet.  Just some independent films.  I signed with my first talent agency in July and have been looking for my big break.  I also do photography on the side, and by on the side i mean, im trying to make a living off of being a photographer. oh, and btw im also trying to become an indie film maker.  so you know what i mean by a lot now right? haha.  Anyways, i have no doubt that i can do anything i put my mind to.  Acting is definitely my number one priority, but if there's one thing ive learned about it its that there is a LOT of hurry up and wait, and while im waiting, i figure i should pursue other things i love right?  Im also an AVID rock climber.  and by avid, i mean im at the gym or outside climbing like its going out of style.  Add that to the list ha.  As far as my personal life, im engaged to my beautiful fiance Dana.  She totally rules, and puts up with me, which is more than i can ask for!

So im going to be using this blog, as a kind of everything thats going on blog.  Ive been holding off for a while, because i was like should i make and acting blog? or a photo blog? or a climbing blog?  And i just couldnt decide, so i was like well why not just make a Caleb blog! Ill be posting anything and everything here.  anything from whats going on with me personally, as well as photography tips, things i learn (always learning) about the acting and film industry, as well as answering any questions anyone has about climbing or anythign at all!  i may not know but ill give it a shot!  And ill also be posting pictures of clients as well as just life in general.  So if you havent ever met me, HI! and welcome to my blog.  If you have, then hey again! this will be an easy way for you to keep in touch with me, know what im doing, and heck maybe learn a few new things about photography/acting/filmmaking/climbing.  Im all about sharing knowledge, and im CONSTANTLY learning and looking up how to do something better, or experiementing.  Anyways  this has been my first post, leave some comments, ask some questions, do whatchya wanna.

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say hello :)

Some amazing photographers to check out